BCNH testifies in Support of Vaccinations
Because one of BCNH’s core goals is to promote the health and safety of the people we serve, we have been helping our clients get COVID vaccinations and boosters. In recent weeks, Case Manager Indira Acharya has driven Bhutanese women to the pharmacy to help get their younger children vaccinated. Case Manager Eric Irakiza has been working with pastors of several African churches to distribute reliable information about vaccinations.
Every BCNH employee got vaccinated as soon as they could because they wanted to reduce the risk of transmitting COVID to the people they serve. BCNH works face-to-face with clients, some of whom are not yet vaccinated so to do their work with less risk, BCNH staff need to be vaccinated to be safe. When we advertise for new employees, we include among the requirements that employees must be vaccinated.
On November 16, Executive Director Rick Minard testified at the NH Statehouse in opposition to legislation that would make it illegal for BCNH and any other company, organization, or club, to require employees to be vaccinated. The NH Hospital Association and Business and Industry Association did the same.
But dozens of others, backed up by a crowd of at least 300 cheering people, denounced vaccinations and vaccination requirements. They supported the bill – and so too did a majority of the House Education Committee which voted “ought to pass” at the end of the public hearing. The New Hampshire House will take up the bill in January.
In his testimony, Minard wrote:
“Our employees must be vaccinated so that they can be safe working with anyone who comes to us for help. Any limitation on our ability to require that staff members be fully vaccinated against COVID would put our staff and the organization at risk. Unvaccinated employees could spread infections among the highly vulnerable people they serve. Because that potential is so easy to prevent, it would be intolerable.
BCNH does not speak for or represent New Americans, but we witnessed the hardships that COVID brought to them and the benefits that vaccinations have created.We closed our own offices in March 2020 and reopened them this last spring when it was safe again to work face-to-face with our clients. We oppose any bill that would reduce that safety and the economic gains it has brought to the people we serve.”