Find a Job in NH

To succeed in New Hampshire, new Americans need a job. BCNH’s case managers focus on helping their clients get good jobs.

When clients come to BCNH we ask about their work experience, interests, and where and when they want to work. We help them prepare a resume and submit job applications. We may drive the client to their interview and ensure that the employment will be safe and beneficial. When clients need better English language skills, child care, or a reliable carpool to work, we help them find them.

When clients are ready to get a driver’s license, BCNH often drives them to the DMV in Concord for their test.

BCNH’s employment work is currently supported by grants from the Clowes Foundation, a federal program administered by the NH Department of Business and Economic Affairs, and a refugee program administered by the NH Office of Health Equity.



Even during the pandemic, New Hampshire businesses sought out refugees to join their workforces. As the economy rebounds, the pull for more workers is getting stronger.



If you are looking for a new employee, we can help you. Contact BCNH and tell us about current job openings at your company.