BCNH Hires Amiri to Serve Evacuees
Hussain Amiri, 23, of Concord has joined the staff of case managers at Building Community in New
Hampshire (BCNH). Amiri will provide a wide range of services to the Afghan evacuees who are being
resettled across New Hampshire.
Amiri is originally from Afghanistan. He lived with his mother and three brothers in a refugee camp in
Pakistan before arriving in Concord in March 2016 as a refugee. He graduated from Concord High
School in 2019 and has been enrolled at Plymouth State University where he has been studying
computer science and business. He will continue his education while working full time at BCNH.
Amiri speaks Dari, Farsi, Hindi, Urdu, and English. He can read and write in Pashto and Arabic as well.
These skills will make him an immediate resource to the 175 Afghan evacuees who are being resettled
here in clusters from Lebanon to the Seacoast. Amiri will work with them directly on issues typical to
New Americans: getting medical attention, finding a job, transportation, food, public schools, and
A $25,000 grant from the Madelaine G. von Weber Trust and a $5,000 grant from the Mary Louise
Billings Trust made it possible for BCNH to hire Amiri. His work will also be supported by individual
donations to BCNH and a contract with the NH Department of Education to help teachers connect with
the parents of English learners in their classrooms. The NH Office of Health Equity also provides
essential support through contracts with BCNH.