BCNH to Serve Ukrainians Statewide

On May 31, the NH Executive Council approved a $252,000 contract with Building Community in New Hampshire to deliver a wide range of services to Ukrainian evacuees living in New Hampshire.  With the award, BCNH has made case manager Kateryna Nazarova a full-time employee and hired Liliya Mayevsky as a second full-time Ukrainian-speaking case manager.  They will provide direct services to families who have fled the war in Ukraine and are trying to become self-sufficient in New Hampshire.

“The contract builds BCNH’s capacity to do what it does best: matching refugees and immigrants with people who speak their languages, understand their challenges, and have the skills to help the arrivals navigate their way to safe, healthy, productive, prosperous, and connected lives in New Hampshire,” said Richard Minard, executive director. 

Nazarova arrived in Exeter soon after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. She has been working half-time to help Ukrainian children get established in schools across New Hampshire.  Mayevsky has lived in New Hampshire for more than two decades and served in a similar role at the International Institute of New England before becoming a professional legal, medical, and business translator.

Ukrainians continue to arrive in New Hampshire, primarily through the Uniting for Ukraine network of sponsors.  A recent listing showed that there were sponsored places in New Hampshire for 732 Ukrainians from Colebrook south to Keene and the Seacoast.


Now Hiring: Lingala-Speaking Case Manager


Vijay Bhujel: Deputy Director