Yes, there are mountains in Haiti, and beautiful landscapes worth exploring. Afghanistan includes stretches of the Himalyas where it is too extreme for most casual hikers. Ukrainians are avid hikers, climbers, and adventurers. Ask them about the Carpathian Mountains. Taking pleasure in the outdoors is another thing that BCNH’s clients have in common, along with being former refugees or humanitarian parolees.
With funding from the Hubbard Brook Research Foundation, the U.S. Forest Service, and individual donors to BCNH, we hosted a field trip to the Flume and Echo Lake on October 19, a warm, sunny and perfectly New Hampshire day. The school bus carried 60 people up from Manchester and a few families drove separately. Amey and Brendan from Hubbard Brook brought the picnic. BCNH’s multilingual case managers translated when more than a smile was required.