BCNH Launches Vaccination Effort

The Eastern Bank Foundation has donated $75,000 to BCNH to support a COVID-19 vaccination project from Concord south through Nashua. The effort will focus on refugees, immigrants, and other people of color.

“Refugees in the Merrimac Valley have been vaccinated in large numbers,” said RIchard Minard, executive director of BCNH. Nevertheless, some have feared vaccinations and others have not been able to get to clinics or were anxious about missing work. BCNH will be working on all fronts and in partnership with many organizations and health care providers to expand the number of adults and children who are vaccinated.

The big “equity clinics” were very successful at reaching refugee and immigrant communities this spring. We expect the work now to be one-on-one or employer by employer. If you know anyone who wants—or needs—a vaccination and who might find a visit from one of our case managers helpful, please email us at


BCNH Has a New Address


BCNH receives Nonprofit Center’s Impact Award