Building Community In New Hampshire
Helping Refugees and other Immigrants Navigate Their Way To Safe, Healthy, Productive, Prosperous, and connected lives in New Hampshire
Building Community in New Hampshire was founded in 2009 by a group of refugees from Bhutan to help each other rebuild their lives in New Hampshire. Originally known as the Bhutanese Community of New Hampshire, we broadened our mission and changed our name in 2017. We remain an organization run by and for refugees.
What We Do
Preparing New Citizens
BCNH provides classes in English and American civics to pepare new Americans for their naturalization exams. In this photo, from 2020, Chura Acharya (standing) poses with members of his class outside the Manchester Public LIbrary.
Health, Safety, And Coping With COVID
BCNH links clients with medical providers and community mental health centers, often helping people schedule and get to appointments. COVID hit the refugee communities in New Hampshire disproportionately hard. We have responded with PPE, sanitizer, information in many languages, and direct one-on-one counseling. Starting in Feburary 2021, we have helped register refugees for vaccinations and provided translation on site.
Case Managers Who Speak The Language And Understand The Challenge
BCNH hires case managers who came to the United States as refugees themslves. Eric Irakiza, left, was from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and speaks Swahili, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, French, and English. He and his peers help individuals and families solve problems, ranging from finiding housing and a job to getting a drivers license or even a divorce.
Please Help Us Build Strong And Diverse Communities In New Hampshire.
BCNH relies on individual donations and grants to do most of our work.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or to ask for assistance.
Mail or in person
1045 Elm Street, Suite 202, Manchester NH 03101-1824
or rminard@bcinnh.org
603-935-9620 (Manchester office)